International Academy of Family Psychology
Welcome to the International Academy of Family Psychology
Welcome to the International Academy of Family Psychology
The International Academy of Family Psychology (IAFP) is a​ professional organization of family psychologists from around the world. Our goal is to facilitate collaboration in the discipline and to strengthen inte​rnational ties in psychology. The next IAFP conference will be held in Japan in 2025.
What's new
What's new
September 22, 2024
・The 2025 International Conference of the IAFP will be held in Japan from August 9 to 11, 2025. This conference is organized jointly with the Japanese Association of Family Psychology. Visit the conference website for more information.
September 22, 2023
・A new IAFP Newsletter has been published. Click here to see the Newsletter.
A Message from the IAFP President
A Message from the IAFP President

Welcome to the IAFP.
The IAFP is an organization dedicated to promoting academic research in family psychology internationally, primarily among family psychology researchers and practitioners who support families. The organization was founded in the late 1980s by family researchers from around the world interested in systems theory-based psychology.
Today, novel coronas, disasters, conflict (violence), poverty, and sexual diversity affect the family, and the family is becoming increasingly diverse. Some trends are global, others local. We want to understand what is known about global and local trends and explore the psychological aspects of the family in a diverse human society.
Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to make the very attractive field of family psychology known to as many people as possible.
Koubun Wakashima, Ph. D.
President IAFP