International Academy of Family Psychology
IAFP Board of Directors - Family Psychologists
IAFP Board of Directors - Family Psychologists
Information about the IAFP Board Members / Family Psychologists
Koubun Wakashima Ph.D.
Tohoku University
41, Kawauchi, Aoba, Sendai City, Myagi, Japan.
E-mail: k_wakashima★sed.tohoku.ac.jp
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Vice President:
Paula Mena Matos, Ph.D.
University of Porto
Associate Professor
E-mail: pmmatos★fpce.up.pt
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Christy M. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Wake Forest University
449 Greene Hall
Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7778 USA
E-mail: buchanan★wfu.edu
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Treasurer / Newsletter Editor:
Gen Takagi, Ph.D.
Tohoku Fukushi University
Assistant Professor
1-8-1 Kunimi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan.
E-mail: g-takagi★tfu.ac.jp
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Membership Chair:
Stepanka Kadera, Ph.D.
German Youth Institute
Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
Leopoldstr. 2
80802 Munich, Germany
E-mail: kadera★lmu.de
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Past President:
Sabine Walper, Ph.D.
German Youth Institute
Nockherstr, 2
D - 81541 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89- 62306-289
Fax: +49 89- 62306-162
E-mail: walper★dji.de
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Past President:
Kenji Kameguchi, Ph.D.
The University of Tokyo
Emeritus Professor
Director and Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology
Graduate School, International University of Health and Welfare
E-mail: kkenji★iuhw.ac.jp
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Past President:
John W. Thoburn, Ph.D., ABPP
Seatlle Pacific University
3307 third Ave. West
Seattle, WA 98119
E-mail: thoburn★spu.edu
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Membership Committee/ Advertisement Director:
Masako Okuno, Ph.D.
Iwate University
3-18-34 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate
020-8550, Japan
E-mail: mokuno10★iwate-u.ac.jp
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Past Newsletter Editor:
Harald Werneck, Ph.D.
University Vienna
Liebiggasse 5/1, A-1010 Wien
E-mail: harald.werneck★univie.ac.at
*Please change ★ to @ and send.

Our international board of directors works together with IAFP National Representatives who facilitate networking within and across countries. We connect family psychologists around the world to provide the most up to date information in the field.